Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Have you ever had a dream...

Have you ever had a dream, which you nurtured close to your heart.
Every single night you pray to God with this dream in eyes. This dream becomes the reason for your sleepless nights and inspiration of all your efforts.
All the decisions you take, choices you make revolves around achieving this single dream. It is like your very existence is linked to it.
People tell you that it is just an obsession. But only you know that it’s your passion. They say you are making it larger for no reason and it is not the destination of life. But only you know that it is that path which will lead to your destination. Only you can feel that this dream has become larger than any of your other wishes.
You put in your efforts, pull in your best. You know that your conviction will force Universe to conspire for you. You have this immense faith on Universe and more on your self.
You fail in achieving this dream. Not just once but twice. People tell you, it is a lost cause.  Your own people start doubting your capabilities. But you stand firm. You fight. You fight against every failure in your past life, fight for all those occasions when life denied you what you deserved. You fight against that every single person who mocked you in your failure and left. It is your only chance and you know it. Last chance to earn the lost glory, to earn that lost respect, to make your dream come true.
 Once you have done your part by putting the best of you out there, taking your final stand, now the Verdict lies at the hands of fate.
Then it all begins. That long dreary wait. Feeble attempts to weigh the odds and make statistical guesses. You hate the fact nothing is left in your hand. That your dream now lay at the hands of unseen Force puling strings in the name of destiny.You feel helpless. Your only weapon to get through this phase is HOPE…
And then it happens.
That moment arrives. Not with some background rock music or sweet symphony. It just comes unannounced. Simply like any other day, like any other time.
YOU did it. Your dream has come true. The moment you always imagined. You had wondered how you yourself would react to it.
But like they say, ‘When you reach there, there is no There there.”
It is not triumph, not exuberance of emotions and not even cloud 9. What you feel at that exact movement is : Peace. Solace. Calmness. You let your soul drown in it. It just takes you fraction of seconds to absorb this glory, to accept that your dream is right here in real.
You feel like you have always belonged to this moment all your life so far. All the dots are now getting connected. Path to your destination is now set.
Then people ask me, “How do you feel now?” After all this big buzz for over past couple of years, “How can you be so calm after getting your so called dream?”
And I reply, “It is my moment. No one else in the world can fathom it’s important but me. This is the feeling you can’t describe. You can only feel it”.

And my words fall short here…

1 comment:

Aarz kiya hai...

Adhuri si dastan ki adhuri si ye baat hai, Alfaz hai kai hawaon me na lafzo ka sath hai. Har koi hai wakif is se ye jo te...