Week 4
When your inbox gets flooded with mails asking you to fill
some or the other Google doc on your suggestion about pattern of end term exam
paper or which movie to be watched or what song to be selected for fresher’s; when
you have many “group works” to submit, so many that you actually loose the
track of which one is of which subject ; when the concept of “quiz” starts
becoming familiar; and if you don’t have any other work you for sure have one
mail from admin about filling your profile sheet ( actually you have filled so
many profile sheets now that you have doubt, admin people know more about you
than you have ever known about yourself); THIS IS THE time when you have entered “Week 4 “ or
the end of your foundation course stage.
This is also the time when you start using adverbs like,
“usually, mostly, now a day”, daily, while talking to your family and friends
back home. It is just a month in collage but now the duration of your stay
feels like ages. Economic Times, the paper which you tried reading to “show
off “ in your peers at office or friends at collage, understanding an article
in which gave you “wow, I am so smart ” feeling, now suddenly becomes a constant
tab in your browser along with FB. Normal conversations include heavy words
like “utility derived from Game of Thrones compared to derived from Sherlock”,
“average cost will be reduced if we go to Poptates”, “ Don’t generalized characteristic
of complete population based on few samples” (btw, the discussion here is about
fellow batch mates). You struggle
to apply these Eco and Fin concepts in the practice problem given in paper but
they come naturally to you while in conversation and that too at a very apt,
technically correct situations. Now is also the time when you are learning to
mange time. You study, solve assignments ( I think so..) whole night and do the
trivial work like sleeping , downloading songs/videos, setting FB status in the lecture. Well, friends, now
that’s what time management is all about, isn’t it?
Amidst all the filing of Google docs (your new effective
tool for coming two years) and brainstorms over which committees to be applied,
you receive timetable for “end term”.
Please don’t even try and explain your non-MBA school friends, why is
your end term just after 4 weeks you have to give end term exam. But
ironically, you find these two days of exam little better, as you have to focus
on only one thing. As always, you don’t know when your exam started and ended
but yes, suddenly every one wants to know implications of getting C or D grade.
Most awaited mail of “PG Lab aka A collage sponsored trip to
near by hill station” which is of course preceded by filling up Google spread
sheets of questioners and bunch of psychometric tests; marks the end of your
Foundation Course and beginning of your actual semester…
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